Anti-Racism Resources
I’m no expert on anti-racism, but these educators and books have helped me significantly in my learning process. Please feel free to email me with any other suggestions to add. If you do end up following or reading any of the resources listed below, let’s talk about them. :)
Instagram Accounts:
Ashley Mitchell - Boston based fitness instructor, activist, founder of The Courage Campaign - @blackgirlmagicmama
Donna Noble - Anti racism and body positive activist, UK based yoga teacher and mentor, founder of Curvesome Yoga - @donnanobleyoga
Anti-Racism Daily - News and Media Outlet with practical tips and stories on how to help dismantle white supremacy - @antiracismdaily
Tamika D. Mallory - Social Justice Activist, Founder of Until Freedom - @tamikadmallory
Selam Debs - Creator of The Antiracism Course, Owner of Juici Yoga Studios - @selamdebs
Susanna Barkataki - Activist, Educator, Yoga Instructor and Mentor, author of Embrace Yoga’s Roots - @susannabarkataki
Rachel Ricketts - Racial Justice Educator - @iamrachelricketts
Azi - Educator, Social Justice Activist, Neuroscience and Public Health Policy - @the.wellness.therapist
Ilya, Decolonizing Fitness LLC - Medical Exercise Specialist, Educator, Writer - @decolonizing_fitness
Myisha T. Hill - Founder of Check Your Privilege - @myishathill @ckyourprivilege
I’m Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made For Whiteness by Austin Channing Brown
So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo
How To Be Less Stupid About Race: On Racism, White Supremacy, and the Racial Divide by Crystal Marie Fleming
The Talk: Conversations About Race, Love, and Truth Editors: Wade Hudson and Cheryl Hudson